Saturday, July 14, 2007

The best of Roald Dahl

His stories seem complete. There is perfect balance in the action and reaction, the cause and effect. Nowhere you feel that something has been unfair, just for the sake of making you upset or happy. All this with an unimaginable twist in the end.

The characters behave weirdly. I mean wot do you say about a wife who let’s her husband die in the house and goes for a trip abrod. If you hear it out of context it seems weird but while reading the story I somehow actually supported the wife!

As if he can control your mind and make you feel the way he wants to; many times sinister & wily.
But then isn’t that what a great writer would do.


Thursday, July 12, 2007


Look, Look the Book :-)
Isn’t it always good to the naive
and the crook
the best company you can ever have
find it in every corner and nook
don't waste time now
let's go, chhook chhook chhook

Welcome to the booklub!